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Founders Day: An Unforgettable Memory

An event that brings the Dulwich families together, Founders Day is an annual Dulwich event that celebrates the outstanding performances, projects, and legacies of our community members. After four years of pandemic-related inconveniences, the event was finally held in school last on the 26th of May.

In close partnerships with the DCSPD GlobalCitizenship team, the Sustainability Club helped raise greater awareness over different environmental issues and the plans that our community has implemented and followed.Additionally, members of the organization also organized different activities focused on gardening throughout Founders Day, teaching our community how to live a sustainable lifestyle at home.

Furthermore, the Peace Center Uganda - led byboth Mr Reich and Ms Kruger - offered insightsinto the strong legacy projects that DCPSD hadwith this organization and the future plansregarding the next Uganda trip scheduled to be inTerm 1 of the next academic year. They also tookthe time to celebrate the tremendousachievement - raising over one hundred twentythousand RMB- for the recent Quiz Night event,which certainly made the highlight as part ofDCSPD's 20 years of making a difference.

The Social Enterprise Club has produced a variety ofover 10 phone case designs, each with differentcolor combinations and styles - with a wider rangeof choices we aim to be appealing to all of theDulwich community. At our Founder's Day stall, wealso set up a lucky draw to introduce an element ofengagement with people to increase the presenceof the SEC stall. Overall, Founder's Day was asuccess, as it had made many sales and is lookingtowards contributing to financial support for thosein need through KIVA.

The performances - put together by DCSPD'soutstanding musical groups - were the highlightof the afternoon shows. The afternoon concertopened up with Big Band, followed by ConcertBand, Allegro & Andante Strings by the DCSPDOrchestra accompanied by Chamber & Mei LangFang Choirs. The musical performancescomprised different musical genres, ranging fromclassical music to jazz. Game of Thrones andEnglish Classic Pomp and Circumstance was theaudience's favorite because of the vigor andexcitement portrayed by the songs.

The entertainment section brought both laughter andcheers to the crowd when the Dog Show took place.Dogs of all kinds - big and small - participated in a miniobstacle course on the field. The surrounding audiencecheered when the dogs jumped over the hoops andwent through tunnels and laughed when the dogs layon the ground and resisted completing the obstaclecourse. Despite challenges, all the dogs still completedthe obstacle course and performed outstanding tricksthat surprised the audience.

Preparing for the Founder's Day event is a hard and complicated process, and the parents', students', staff's, and community members' appreciation are indebted to the following people: To Mr Abass (DCSPD Marketing) and Alice S, for the logistics planning and management of the event behind the scenes. They have spent numerous hours each day establishing contacts, preparing the schedule, and navigating around different challenges that the event had posed; To Mr Parker and other music teachers, for their guidance and mentorship over the DCSPD Orchestra, Concert Band, Allegro and Adante Strings (combined), and the Choirs. Without them, the Founder's Day concert would have been incomplete; To the performers, for their diligence and hard work during the concert and the music rehearsals before then. Because of their input, the performances were outstanding and showed our community the unity and the Panther Spirit of DCSPD. This year's Founder's Day event would not have been made possible without their assistance and dedication.


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